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Agrios, G.N. 2005. Plant Pathology 5th ed. Elsevier Academic Press, Burlington, MA.

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D’Arcy, C.J. and D.M. Eastburn. 2000. Late blight. Plants, Pathogens, and People website. http://www.ppp.uiuc.edu/

Schumann, G.L. and C. J. D’Arcy. 2000. Updated 2005. Late blight of potato and tomato. APSnet Plant Diseaese lessons. http://www.apsnet.org/edcenter/intropp/lessons/fungi/Oomycetes/Pages/LateBlight.aspx

Fry, W.E. and S.B. Goodwin. 1997. Resurgence of the Irish potato famine fungus. BioScience 47:363-371.

Stevenson, W.R. 1993. Management of early blight and late blight. Pages 141-147 in: Potato Health Management. R.C. Rowe, ed. APS Press, St. Paul, MN.